
Archive for February, 2007


February 28, 2007 1 comment

Gët jo emmer besser, falls dat stemmen sollt …

Categories: Gesellschaft, Politik

Schiff ahoi.

February 28, 2007 Leave a comment

Schëffskirfecht virun Mauretanien:



In Dad’s name.

February 27, 2007 2 comments

Den Scott Adams ass rem brilliant:

Filmmaker James Cameron is claiming he and some archeologists found the tomb of Jesus’s family. All the casket-like things called ossuaries are empty. I wonder what the archeologists were thinking when they found an ossuary with Jesus’s name on it. I can imagine the moment they removed the lid and looked in. If it were me, I’d wonder if I was going to see one of the following:

1. Nothing
2. Decomposed stuff
3. Jesus sitting up and saying, “What in Dad’s name took you so long?”

If you put an ordinary guy in an ossuary for 2,000 years, he’d clearly be dead. But if I were opening that ossuary I’d be wondering if maybe someone put Jesus in there after he died but before he arose. And maybe it’s hard to get out once you get in. I’d be worried that Jesus arose inside the stone box, and he’d be totally pissed that no one let him out until now.

I realize that this would not be the most rational worry in the world. But I like to base my worries on an expected value calculation. So for example, a 90% chance of getting a sliver would worry me about the same as a .000001% chance of a nuclear bomb going off in the backyard. In this ossuary example, I’d be looking at maybe a 2% chance of waking up an angry Jesus. I say that’s worth a worry.

If Jesus was in there, and sat up when I took the lid off, I’d first try to judge how angry he looked. If he had that money-changers-in-the-temple look, I’d go with a joke, like “Ha ha! Turn the other cheek!” Or maybe I’d try to explain to him that the extra suffering was extra good for humanity, and after all, that’s his job. Then I’d say, “Hey, I don’t like my job either, but you don’t see me complaining all the time.”

I know that some of you will say that if Jesus could move that big rock that was allegedly in front of his tomb in the traditional telling of his life, he’d have no trouble removing an ossuary lid. But he wasn’t supposed to be in an ossuary in the first place, so obviously if this ossuary is genuine, some of the details of the story were wrong. And if God let Jesus be crucified, it’s not a huge stretch of the imagination to think he’d let him stay in a stone box for 2,000 years. It makes sense to save your coolest miracle for when it’s needed most. And I think you’ll agree that this would be a good time for a messiah. And if you were God, you’d want James Cameron attached to this production. So it makes sense to me.

That’s why I’d be a crappy archeologist. I’d be afraid to open anything.


A romantic comedy.

February 26, 2007 1 comment


Categories: Film, Fun, Video

In pace.

February 25, 2007 9 comments

De neien Bébé vun RTL, Tageblatt, IP an Kreutz & Friends: In Pace.

Fehlt nemmen nach en RSS-Feed, haha.

Categories: Gesellschaft, Luxembourg

TV Tipp.

February 25, 2007 Leave a comment

Vun den Méinden 20.15 un ginn die nächst 5 Episoden vun der exzellenter BBC Serie ‘Planet Erde‘ op der ARD gewiesen.

Ech hoffen déi sinn genausou grandios wéi die eischt 5.


Categories: Natur, TV